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We are so much more than a soccer club. We provide a fun, adaptable and inclusive soccer skills program for children from as young as two, all the way through to adults.
Whether you have never played before, or play every single day, we offer a unique approach to developing skills and personalities.
Our coaching team are highly experienced working with children with additional needs and we pride ourselves of providing that one-on-one approach when required to alleviate any anxieties.​​
Based in Lismore, Rainbow Roos is a small not-for-profit
organisation, with very big ambitions and dreams.
"Empowering families, celebrating abilities and
creating a community that values diversity and inclusion"
Hey, you over there. How are you? Thanks for being here.
We're guessing you want to know more about Rainbow Roos and our work in the community.
We are based in Lismore NSW but cover the whole of the beautiful Northern Rivers region. Rainbow Roos was established in early 2024, originally providing small soccer sessions to kids of all ages and abilities.
Having moved to Lismore from the UK in 2018, Brad was blown away by the incredible community spirit of the region - it couldn't have been further from an upcoming on the outskirts of London!
Fast forward past the bushfires, COVID, the current economic crisis and, of course, the tragic floods of 2022 and suddenly soccer (as amazing at it obviously is!) just didn't seem enough. So, after a short period of deliberating (and A LOT of online researching...), the business became officially approved and recognised as Rainbow Roos AU Incorporated on 22nd July 2024 (INC2400746).
That's great, we hear you say, but what does that mean for the community? We have a number of goals that allow us to stay focussed and target all of our energy in the right direction:
The table below gives an overview of what we are currently doing and what we are working towards.
This will naturally evolve over time and we are always open to suggestions from the community as to
other ways in which we can provide assistance.
And how will we be able to achieve all of this?
Putting 100% of our profits from the soccer sessions back into the community is, of course, a great start, but it's not going to allow us to achieve everything we want. Our dedicated team will constantly explore all opportunities - locally, regionally, state-wide and nationally - and we welcome the chance to chat with like-minded businesses and individuals who would like to support our cause.

Mission Statement
"Empowering families, celebrating abilities and
creating a community that values diversity and inclusion"
Our Purpose
Rainbow Roos is established with a purpose to improve physical and mental health in the local community:
a. Provide group sessions for all ages, abilities and demographics to teach new physical and social skills in an enjoyable manner.
b. Give participants a positive experience and reason to look forward to the week ahead.
c. Encourage individuals, particularly in minority groups, to participate in active team sport, resulting in a love for physical exercise and improvements in mental health.
Rainbow Roos is established with a purpose to advance education in grassroots sport coaching:
a. Encourage individuals to participate in the coaching sessions and provide training to result in formal qualifications, naturally improving the future of grassroots sport in the local community.
b. Introduce a modern and positive coaching experience, dismissing the old-school impression of coaching being an authoritarian and negative interaction.
Rainbow Roos is established with a purpose to advance social and public welfare by:
a. Provide sporting equipment and kit to those unable to purchase their own, therefore encouraging more confidence in participation.
b. Provide small group and one-on-one dedicated coaching sessions to NDIS participants, giving the opportunity to engage in sporting events that would otherwise be unrealistic or overwhelming.
c. Allow parents to have a period of respite and adult social interaction by providing high-quality and enjoyable coaching sessions to children.
d. Work closely with other local community groups, charities, businesses and MPs to provide sessions and education to those in need.
e. Provide cost-effective vacation care and school programs to open up sporting opportunities to all children and allow parents to continue working in these difficult times.
Rainbow Roos is established with a purpose of promoting mutual respect and tolerance between all groups in Australia by:
a. Providing accessible group sessions to all backgrounds and teaching children about the importance of respect and different cultures etc, using sport as the common theme.
b. Attend multicultural community events to encourage further participation from minority groups.
c. Organise specific women's-only group sessions, providing a safe and encouraging environment to a demographic that is lacking positive sporting engagement.
d. Break down the barriers associated with different age, gender, sexuality, religion within sport.
“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single day before starting to improve the world.”
— Anne Frank
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